
Tom Erichsen

Added by Alice

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Listed in Angel investors

Title: CEO
Employer name: Differ Group
Employer listing in Green Economy Directory: http://directory.greeneconomygroup.com/profile/differ-group/
Personal LinkedIn profile: no.linkedin.com/pub/tom-erichsen/0/269/30
Personal Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/tomerichsen
Company website: http://www.differgroup.com/home/
Work email: [email protected]
URL # 1 for additional info: http://www.differgroup.com/about/team-/

Tom Erichsen has more than ten years of consulting experience within energy and carbon markets. Before joining Differ, Tom was a Director with the Thomson Reuters Advisory Services, developing tailored market strategies and supporting investment decisions for a wide range of governments and companies in the carbon markets. Before the acquisition by Thomson Reuters, Tom played a key role in the development of Point Carbon Advisory Services, heading up the Advisory International department. During five years in Point Carbon, Tom led the development of several ground-breaking investment analysis frameworks and tools for the carbon markets. Prior to Point Carbon, Tom worked as a management consultant in PA Consulting Group. During six years in PA, Tom delivered consultancy work reaching across energy generation, transmission/distribution, risk management, trading and retail. Tom’s key skills cover strategy, valuation, project finance, asset management, risk management, benchmarking and process improvement.

Tom holds a MSc. in Economics and Business Administration from the Norwegian School of Business and Economics (Norges Handelshøyskole), with a major in finance. Tom also holds degrees from studies in economics, mathematics, statistics, and computer programming from the University of Oslo.

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