
Leveraged Green Energy Fund

Added by Alice

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Listed in Private equity (PE) investors

  • 1655 North Fort Myer Drive #100, Arlington, VA 22209, USA
  • 1 (703) 248-2617
This firm invests in the following industries: Biomass, Carbon capture and storage (CCS), Hydropower, Solar energy, Wind energy
Team (partners, executives and staff):
Edward S. Manukian, CEO
Robert M. Clark, COO
Michael J. Gillette
Emmerich Schebeck

Leveraged Green Energy (“LGE”) is a private equity investment fund organized to create, identify, acquire and manage clean and renewable “green” energy assets in select Target Countries of Central and Eastern Europe and in Canada.

LGE will make equity investments to obtain controlling interests in portfolio companies either alone or in conjunction with fully aligned partners.

The fund will focus on those Target Countries that are prepared to provide regulatory approval and licensing, preferential tax treatment, infrastructure support, off-take contracts, investor protections, and other support for project enhancements and risk mitigation where our highly leveraged proprietary processes and techniques will significantly improve the equity to value ratio.

LGE is one of the very few renewable energy funds capable of originating projects and actively managing them from idea conception to full operation, significantly reducing developmental cost and time and optimizing multiple exit opportunities throughout the process. LGE originates its own renewable energy projects by using its knowledge, experience and relationships to:

• identify prime locations available for renewable energy projects and gain early control of such locations;
• engage strategic suppliers of cutting edge technology and related services that will enable highly profitable renewable energy production;
• employ local and international contractors to design, plan and build each project in a timely and cost effective manner;
• select operators for the projects with proven track records of reliable performance;
• arrange financing with equity partners, lenders, governmental support and off-take contracts that will enable total capital investment per project of roughly ten times the investment by the fund.

Post-transaction, LGE will remain highly active in managing project development and monitoring portfolio performance. LGE believes early, agile, focused and competent investors will lead the trends in development in renewable energy in emerging markets. The technologies LGE will focus on during its initial investment period will be hydro, wind, biomass, and solar. Additionally, the Fund may consider making direct investments in geothermal and tidal/wave technologies and companies with proprietary intellectual property covering other forms of clean energy production, GHG sequestration, and electricity production efficiency.

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